2015 is here. There is that ‘resolution’ even if you don’t want to call it out as such. Whatever your perspective is, health and wellness often find themselves within our core desires. We all want to be healthy, energized, and joyful.

But where does one begin?

You read. You Google. You listen. Top 5 habits of …, Top superfoods, Yoga for Stress, Planning for Success, Mindfulness, Going Gluten free and so forth. 2015 is here and don’t even know where to begin.

Breathe. When I think beginning, I see light and openness. No boundaries, no alarms, no pressure. I think:

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. Buddha

Now try this simple activity:

D- Desires: What is the change or desire?

I – Intentions: What is the desire giving you? Why do you want this change?

C – Challenges: Are there challenges, distractions from making the desire a reality?

E – Enablers: What can help you overcome the challenges?

Embrace a circle of support. Maybe you connect with a sibling, neighbour, friend, co-worker or coach (in person or virtual) that is a source of inspiration. Maybe, right now, it’s a tag team of your journal and your inner strength.

In your journey of New Year’s resolutions, health and wellbeing: never leave behind the keystones– Whole foods, fresh air, movement, laughter. Remember, the universe is sharing endless amounts of knowledge, inspiration and love. It has your back. Success is yours.

Welcome to 2015. Let’s begin. No pressure

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