Has endometriosis got the best of you?

You want to feel less stressed, feel more in control over your body, emotions, and have the energy for the things and people you love.

You want to leave behind the overwhelm and weight of painful periods, mood swings, infertility, and all things endometriosis.

But more than anything else, you want to feel at peace in your body; physically, mentally, and spiritually.

And that’s where I come in love…

Khush Sra, a former engineer turned Endometriosis Expert and Functional Nutritionist, is on a mission to help women heal from endometriosis. Her own ten-year battle with the condition and five surgeries led her to discover the limitations of traditional medicine and inspired her to pursue nutrition and functional medicine as a means of healing.

With her truly functional, holistic approach, Khush believes that healing is not just about treating endometriosis —  but the whole body.

Through her work with thousands of women over 25 years, Khush has developed her Anti-Endo Lifestyle program that includes a five-step process that involves regulating the nervous system, balancing hormones, intuitive eating, supporting a healthy lifestyle, and reconnecting with their true selves.

She believes the cornerstone of healing from endometriosis happens when you incorporate healing the nervous system, because a dysregulated nervous system disrupts how your immune system functions, detoxification and hormone imbalances keep your body inflamed.

Specializing in women who feel they’ve tried everything, Khush is passionate about helping women heal from endo. Her clients have seen significant results, such as taking back control of their lives, having pain-free periods, and even getting pregnant naturally. 

When Khush isn’t helping women heal from endometriosis, she enjoys spending time with her three children and Goldendoodle, Jax, dancing to ‘90s R&B, and hiking in the woods of her hometown, Ottawa, Canada. She is also a self-proclaimed “geek” who loves non-fiction books and lives for trips to Tuscany to disconnect with the world and connect with herself and loved ones.

Hi, I’m Khush Sra, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Endometriosis Expert, and I’m about to show you how you can transform your energy, body and life.

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been asking “why?”

As I grew up and reached my late teens, I started suffering from endometriosis. Month in, month out, I suffered from chronic pain, migraines, fatigue and when the doctors couldn’t really help, I asked: “why?”

Why, after five laparoscopies, several prescriptions, and more specialist appointments than I could even count was I struggling to manage my painful symptoms and feeling like finding a solution was hopeless.

One day I was frustrated with everyone, but mostly myself. My life was not what I dreamed of – I was always at the doctor’s or ER, feeling out of control and lost, missing out on school, work, life and my relationships were suffering. I had to take back control.

Breaking Point

At this point, I was a young adult with a husband and career, I was ready to start a family, in spite of the fact that several doctors had told me motherhood might not be a possibility for me. I was in the fertility clinic, what seemed like every day, getting poked and prodded everywhere…money spent, tears shed and even more hopeless.

So I went all into looking at alternative health and nutrition. Applying the same level of rigour that I applied every day in my professional career, I set about researching nutrition and meeting with many practitioners.

I quit sugar, gluten, and packaged processed foods and began eating more homemade whole foods such as quinoa, wild fish and fresh organic produce. Sure, at first it was challenging to change my eating habits but my tastebuds quickly sharpened up, along with my kitchen skills. I even quit the gym and started yoga instead.

A Pain-Free Period!!

Within 8 weeks, my painful symptoms began to subside and I recall getting my period without all the alarm bells. I was in shock, a period without pain is possible.

I also started to experience what is known as chemical pregnancies – where I conceive, but it didn’t implant…1 step forward I thought (despite the pain in knowing I could have been pregnant each of those months).

A year later I discovered I was pregnant with our first child! We are now blessed to have three awesome kids.

For the next decade of my life, I focused on holistic living. My purpose was to nourish my family, give them the best possible start in life, and teach them how to treat their bodies with love and respect.

My Mom’s Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis

Several years ago, in 2012, my mother was diagnosed with a stage IV brain tumor. As you can imagine, her diagnosis came as a huge shock for our family. I’ll never forget the day her specialist told us: “Similar diagnoses have an outlook of about nine months to live.”

So began my fascination with the power of integrated cancer care. I researched everything I could about cancer cells, the way they metabolized food, and came up with a nutritional plan to support my mom’s treatment and healing program. At the time of writing, almost five years later, I’m pleased to say my mom is still with us and her commitment to clean eating continues to inspire me, each and every day.

My mom’s illness made me realize just how we never really know what’s around the next corner. When I stepped back and considered my own life, I realized how stressed out I was about things that ultimately didn’t really matter to me.

My Ob/Gyn Told Me I Need To Share My Path

One day I sat in my doctor’s office and she simply stated that more women need to follow my path and that many who were in a similar situation to me years ago are still struggling and often having hysterectomies or still rotating medications.  This was my call to become a nutritionist to help women beat endo I thought.

While there were plenty of amazing things about my career as a Project Manager, my true purpose was to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist so I could help others, the same way that I had helped myself and my mom.

Every day, I thank myself for having the courage to move past my fears and change the direction of my life. It wasn’t easy – but it was worth it.

I’ve learned to deal with be OK with judgment as I changed my diet or certain lifestyle choices – and now everyone’s looking to me for advice :). I’ve learned that practicing humility actually helps more than it hurts. And by leaning in during times of adversity, I’ve learned that I’m far more resilient than I could ever have imagined.

My mission is to empower endo sisters to naturally beat endo, everyone needs an integrative plan and I can help you build yours.

To connect with me, I invite you to join my community for Endometriosis 

To read more about my endometriosis journey CLICK HERE

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