Prebiotics 101

“Pre”biotics? Yes! They’re the food that we feed our probiotics, the friendly gut microbes that are oh so important for good health. Our gut microbes are alive, and they need to eat too. Their favourite foods are called “prebiotics” and include dietary fibre and resistant starch. The same fibre that keeps us feeling full slows […]
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Creating a Mindset for Health

So much of health is all about habits and actions, but where do these all stem from? What if we don’t have to make as many changes as we think we do? What if there was one powerful thing that makes a lot of difference? That thing is mindset. Mindset is sometimes called “the story […]
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Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things – not a big deal – just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining a healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life. (Yes, your thyroid IS […]
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What to Eat for Healthy Skin

There are so many things that can go wrong with the skin: dryness, redness, blemishes, etc. Healthy skin is a reflection of internal health. There are many creams and cosmetics to put on top of your skin. But, there are also lots of things you can do to nurture and nourish your skin to better […]
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