My Unsexy Endo & 4 Things I Did To Fix It

My fellow endo sisters – You get me. You feel me, all too well. Amiright? Or Amiriiiiiight? So unsexy. The truth is one of endo’s ugly faces shows up in what’s supposed to be one of the most sacred and pleasurable parts of life – sex! Endo makes making love the most unsexy thing ever. […]
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Multivitamins: Are They Really a Waste of Money?

Multivitamins are exactly what they sound like: multiple vitamins. They’re supplements that contain several different vitamins in each one. They can also contain several minerals and other ingredients like amino acids or fatty acids. And because there are multiple ingredients, there are low doses of each ingredient. In fact, they are the most commonly used […]
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Mindfulness and Meditation…Do They Really Work?

Well…yes, they do really work. The fact is, science shows definite health benefits for people who use mindfulness and meditation. Before we dive in, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page when we say “mindfulness” and “meditation.” “Meditation” is the ancient practice of connecting the body and mind to become more self-aware and […]
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Here’s How to Make Cooking More Fun

If you don’t love cooking, maybe I can help to make it more fun for you? I know that sometimes I don’t find cooking to be all that fun. I can get into a rut just like everyone else. So that’s why I’ve listed my best “fun” cooking tips for you. Fun Cooking Tip #1 […]
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