A Holistic Approach To Healing with Endometriosis

Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things – not a big deal – just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining a healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life. (Yes, your thyroid IS […]
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Which Foods Can Help With Blood Pressure?

Guess how many people have high blood pressure? A billion! It’s said to be the “#1 risk factor for death and disability in the world.” LINK FOR QUOTE: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-high-blood-pressure-with-diet/ If you have high blood pressure, it’s best that you are monitored by your healthcare professional. And if you’re on medication for high blood pressure never […]
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The True Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise. It can improve your health on all levels. We’re not just talking about being fitter and stronger. We’re talking about overall health and longevity. Regular exercise improves your heart health, brain health, muscle and bone health, diabetes, and arthritis. Beyond those, it also reduces stress, boosts moods, increases your energy, and can improve your […]
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